Friday, September 13, 2019

Ethical Dilema Case 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethical Dilema Case 3 - Essay Example It’s a dilemma in our society that individuals who are suspected to be criminals by law are treated as criminals by individuals in our society – and this maltreatment continues essentially if the court releases and does not find that individual as guilty. Once suspected to be a criminal, an individual’s life is over. Subsequently, each and every law enforcing agencies need to be very careful while declaring an individual as a suspect. Stereotyping is another major issue associated with judgment of individuals. Al-Qaeda has gained a lot of fame as a renowned terrorist group, and Muslims across the world are suffering because as part of their religious practice, when they grow bears or females cover their head, they are deemed as extremists and thus, titled as terrorists. Such level of stereotyping often creates problems for law enforcing agencies as well and sometimes wrongful arrests are made. And as mentioned earlier, once a suspect, their life becomes worst the n criminals. I strongly disagree to the fact that torture should be limited to a degree and should only be applied in an extreme scenario. For example, if a suspect is caught, he or she should be treated fairly and justly – once proven guilty, still the law enforcing agencies should treat the criminal like a human being. ... And even when proven guilty, everyone has the right to be treated in an appropriate manner – unless it becomes a matter of national security or threat. Moral Rules Access to justice is the right of every human being and is one of the common clauses of most of the constitutions that exist in the world today in the sovereign states. Justice implies treating everyone fairly – Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, etc.; all men should be equal before the law and punishable by law only if proven guilty via appropriate evidence. Thus, seeking justice is what everyone can and should aim at for everyone. Being law enforcement officer, the responsibility is to ensure that everyone gets justice. By torturing, an officer would be using the powers in a false manner because only the law has the power to punish – not the officer. As a law enforcement officer, it is one of the duties to protect the suspects unless they are proven guilty in the court of law. Even to the extent that if the suspect is lying, the officers should have different mechanisms to pull the truth and torture should be the last possible medium for it. An officer should let law and courts perform their duties, by taking actions such as torture and punishments into their own hands, officers are taking up a responsibility of making a decision regarding innocence or guilt of an individual; which is not possible without concrete evidence. Thus, at the end of the day, an innocent might suffer because of a misunderstanding or biasness of the law enforcement officer; because officers are trained to develop suspicion and torturing based on suspicion to get information is equivalent to punishing suspects – and in

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