Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Youth Culture and Moral Panic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Youth Culture and Moral Panic - Essay Example Youth culture may term as a way or manner by which the youth conduct their lives or the manner in which they behave. This youth culture is a subculture that is different from the main culture of older generation within a given society. It may entail the different taste of youth in terms of interests, their belief, their interest in sports, music fashion among many other areas, Society segments and their reaction to moral panic effect on domestic violence. There are various segments or avenues where moral panic may take place and has some influence in the society institutions like marriages leading to child abuse and family violence. One of such avenue is the press. The press has had numerous cases of exaggerated news, distorted news, stereotyping and over reporting of events. There were also instances of some of the articles are distorted and gives false stories. The press do this to their advantage since their interests is to sell their articles. When these false stories and overrat ed events get in the hands of the society, it tends to disaffect the social structure and institutions of the society. ... All these movies and films have been accepted by the society and little of the society know that they are the ones that leads to violence (Goode, Nachman 1994) The other segment of the society that has failed to show concern is the law enforcement segment of the society. The law enforcers, law makers have to be in a position to address any threat to the society structure and institution. If there any threat remedies nd laws have to there to ensure that that threat is dealt with well. In the recent past law makers and law enforcers have been pushing for laws that act harsh on people who abuse children and their partners. They’re very many case of child abuse especially in Africa where children are subjected to forced labor, subjected to early marriages, cases of rape among other cruel actions. There are also case of husband beating their wives and wives beating their husband. In those countries there are few laws that enforce against the oppressors since there is collision with the law enforcers. The oppressor bribes the law enforcers and the gets away with it. This shows that if law enforcers are concerned with the threat on the society structure and institutions, cases of family violence will persist (Hall, Critcher, Jefferson Roberts 1978), Elements of moral panic that influence child abuse and family violence Moral panic has various elements that may be used to explain some of the causes in degradation of the social structure and institution such as marriages that has led to the rise of family violence and child abuse. Some of these include: Concern. There should be concern of the behavior of a certain group of people and the

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